Blogbuch-Splitter 2022

#Lesetipps …

Auch hier habe ich ein paar der wichtigen Beiträge, auf die ich im Laufe des Jahres gestoßen bin, aufmerksam gemacht wurde (und manche davon auch schon anderweitig verlinkt habe), aufgelistet und teilweise auch wichtige Aussagen jeweils daraus vermerkt - allerdings ohne Übersetzung.

Diese Liste ist keinesfalls vollständig, und es müsste natürlich noch sehr viel mehr aufgelistet werden an wichtigen, interessanten Informationen.

Bitte ‚mit dem Herzen‘ lesen. Danke.



How Socioeconomic Class Affects Therapy

“People from lower socioeconomic and ethnic minority backgrounds typically experience a higher number of adverse life events, more ‘generic life stressors’ of modern life (such as debt), and more significant psychological distress. Nevertheless, most therapeutic interventions have been developed to address the issues and concerns of the educated middle class, and symptom complaints are treated differently in clients of different socioeconomic statuses. …”


Association between ultrasonography foetal anomalies [UFAs] and autism spectrum disorder

Multiple co-occurring UFAs were significantly more prevalent among ASD cases. UFAs in the urinary system, heart, and head & brain were the most significantly associated with ASD diagnosis. ASD females had significantly more UFAs than ASD males and a higher prevalence of multiple co-occurring UFAs. … ASD fetuses were characterized by a narrower head and a relatively wider ocular-distance … UFAs were associated with more severe ASD symptoms. …“


Michael Hengartner – Evidence-biased Antidepressant Prescription

In fact, there are studies that clearly show regardless of whether GPs detect depression or not and whether they treat it or not, the outcome after one year is almost the same. … We actually need to end the massive entanglement between clinical practice and the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry.“


“Data Pollution” Hinders Psychiatric Research

“’Without attending to data pollution,” they write,’ much of our progress will be illusory, and true findings that improve patient welfare will remain undetected.’“


Addressing the Social Determinants of Mental Health—or Perhaps Not

“… And, of course, intervention in this context will almost always include pills and/or high-voltage electric shocks applied to the brain, because that’s pretty much all that psychiatry has to offer. … The 30-minute assessment followed by regular 15 minute med checks still constitute the primary, and in most cases, only, components of psychiatric ‚treatment‘.  …“


What misdiagnoses do women with Autism spectrum disorder receive in the DSM-5?

“… Subsequently, ASD females, in particular those without language or intellectual impairment, would likely receive other kinds of diagnoses, with a consequent negative impact on the course of the disease and on the treatment outcome. …”


Traumatic life experiences and post-traumatic stress symptoms in middle-aged and older adults with and without autistic traits [Open Access]

Research suggests that autistic adults experience higher rates of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compared to the general population. … It has been posited that core features of the symptomology and genetic aetiology of autism may increase the risk of trauma exposure. …

In the general population, the experience of trauma has been identified as a risk factor for subsequent psychiatric difficulties, including the development of PTSD, depression, and anxiety. …

Childhood is a period of rapid cognitive and psychosocial development, making it a vulnerable period for the effects of trauma. …“ 


Study finds differences between brains of girls, boys with autism

‘Knowing that males and females don’t present the same way, both behaviorally and neurologically, is very compelling, …

Among children with autism, girls had different patterns of connectivity than boys did in several brain centers, including motor, language and visuospatial attention systems. …“


Evidence from Characteristics and Comorbidities Suggesting That Asperger Syndrome Is a Subtype of Autism Spectrum Disorder [Open Access]

The current version of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) does not consider Asperger syndrome a diagnostic category. This study was undertaken to see if there is evidence that this diagnosis should be reinstated. …“


Prenatal exposure to pesticide residues in the diet in association with child autism-related traits: Results from the EARLI study

“…We found that these pesticide residues from the diet were not related to child autism-related outcomes at age three. However, higher prenatal fruit and vegetable intake was associated with reductions in child autism-related traits.“


Neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodiversity: definition of terms from Scotland's National Autism Implementation Team


Why autism therapies have an evidence problem

“Culture change is hard, but it is critical to deliver on our clinical promise to children and families to deliver safe and effective therapies.” Andrew Whitehouse


Five weeks of Yuishinkai karate training improves balance and neuromuscular function in older adults: a preliminary study

Martial arts may offer many access points to delivering useful community-level ‚exercise as medicine‘ applications across the lifespan.“

[[ Interessant sind auch die Aussagen im Zusammenhang mit Schlaganfall-Patienten. ]]


The Roots of Pathology: Authoritarianism Towards Babies | Darcia Narvaez

Usually, a child grows from her center, increasing her capacities and confidence. When traumatized early, subjected to existential fear, the child loses her center of gravity. …“


Music therapy for autistic people

Social interaction and social communication are among the central areas of difficulty for autistic people. Music therapy uses music experiences and the relationships that develop through them to enable communication and expression, thus attempting to address some of the core problems of autistic people. …“


Prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and autism spectrum disorders in 11-year-old children in the French PELAGIE cohort

Organophosphate (OP) pesticides act by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase activity at synaptic junctions and have already been linked with deleterious effects on neurodevelopment, including autism spectrum disorders (ASD). … These findings suggest an increase in autistic traits among 11-year-old children in association with prenatal maternal exposure to chlorpyrifos and possibly diazinon. These associations were previously suspected in the literature, in particular for chlorpyrifos. Further work establishing the causal mechanisms behind these risk association is needed.“


Early exposure to agricultural pesticides and the occurrence of autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review

“…As stated, an urgent approach strategy is needed to reduce the use of pesticides and encourage the adoption of agroecological practices in order to ensure food and nutritional security population, as well as the reduction of risk to human and environmental health.“


Editorial: Trajectories in Developmental Disabilities: Infancy–Childhood–Adolescence [Free PMC article]

Research into infant and child development is, at its heart, an interdisciplinary and integrative science. …“


Central Nervous System Metabolism in Autism, Epilepsy and Developmental Delays: A Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis

“…Amino acid and energy metabolism pathways were most disrupted in all disorders, but the source of the disruption was different for each disorder. Disruption in vitamin and one-carbon metabolism was associated with DD and EPI, lipid pathway disruption was associated with EPI and redox metabolism disruption was related to ASD. Two microbiome metabolites were also detected in the CSF: shikimic and cis-cis-muconic acid. Overall, this study provides increased insight into unique metabolic disruptions in distinct but overlapping neurodevelopmental disorders.“


W.H.O. and U.N. Join Calls to Transcend the Medical Model [2021]


“…It will be harder for die-hard defenders of the medical model to dismiss such organisations, or the UN and the WHO, as extremist, anti-psychiatry radicals. The time for a fundamental paradigm change in mental health may, finally, be drawing near.”


Depression: why drugs and electricity are not the answer

“…This alternative view is increasingly endorsed around the world, including by the United Nations, the World Health Organization and service users who have suffered negative consequences of physical treatments that modify brain functions in ways that are not well-understood.“


High-dose Vitamin B6 supplementation reduces anxiety and strengthens visual surround suppression [Open access]

„Our results suggest that high-dose Vitamin B6 supplementation increases inhibitory GABAergic neural influences, which is consistent with its known role in the synthesis of GABA.“


A Decisive Blow to the Serotonin Hypothesis of Depression


“… A Multibillion-Dollar Error. …  

In ‘The Serotonin Theory of Depression: A Systematic Umbrella Review of the Evidence,’ University College London Psychiatry Professor Joanna Moncrieff and a team of five other top European researchers found ‘there is no evidence of a connection between reduced serotonin levels or activity and depression.’ …”


Dazu bitte auch lesen:

How to Take the News That Depression Has Not Been Shown to Be Caused by a Chemical Imbalance

From Joanna Moncrieff: „…Our large human brain is what gives us the capacity to reflect on our circumstances and to evaluate whether we like them or not, and it enables us to experience emotions, but the brain is not the cause of these emotions. …“


Response to Criticism of Our Serotonin Paper

„…Taking a drug that numbs emotions may feel like a relief for someone who is deeply unhappy, fearful or confused. But in the long-term taking a drug that alters normal brain chemistry may have harmful effects. … … … there is such strong evidence that stressful life events are closely linked to the onset of depression.“


The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence [Open Access]

„…The main areas of serotonin research provide no consistent evidence of there being an association between serotonin and depression, and no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations. Some evidence was consistent with the possibility that long-term antidepressant use reduces serotonin concentration.“

Siehe dazu auch:

Aktuelles – Imbalances


Healing From the Idea of Bipolarity – Andrew’s Story

From Mad in Italy: “… I became more and more confident and my self-esteem began to grow without the fear of being judged crazy. …”


Developmental cascades between insistence on sameness behaviour and anxiety symptoms in autism spectrum disorder

“…Increasing IS may be a sign of emerging future anxiety. Interventions that target IS to reduce or prevent anxiety amongst school-aged autistic children merit further study.“


#Zeitdokumente …

[2007] Psychiatry during the Nazi era: ethical lessons for the modern professional

“… This paper reviews the role of psychiatrists in the Nazi era and analyzes the underlying misconceptions that led to the aberrant behavior. Finally, some recommendations for inclusion of the study of this period in ethics training are presented. … Psychiatry cannot afford to turn a blind eye to such a past.“

[Open Access]


The Holocaust, Biological Psychiatry and a Shift Toward a More Humane Psychiatry Today

“… The United States was the first to turn eugenic ideas into social policy. In 1907, Indiana became the first state to authorize compulsory sterilization of the mentally ill, and in 1927 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled such state laws constitutional.

A primary author of such legislation in Germany was Ernst Rudin, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Munich and Basel. Germany enacted its sterilization law in 1933; six years later, 350,000 Germans had been sterilized, with about one-third of this group diagnosed with schizophrenia. … At least a few psychiatrists spoke of killing the mentally ill prior to Adolph Hitler’s rise to power. …

[2022] Remembering a Quarter of a Million "Mental Patients" Murdered in the 1930s and 1940s


“…Our paper documenting psychiatry’s role, all those years ago, in the killing of patients is intended not only to remind people, including today’s psychiatrists, of the rarely discussed facts but also to learn from them by drawing parallels to today’s genetic theories and compulsory treatments. …“


Psychiatry’s Failure Crisis: Are You Moderately or Radically Enlightened?

“…Today, even some key members of establishment psychiatry acknowledge three areas of failure of their profession: (1) worsening treatment outcomes despite increased treatment; (2) the invalidity of its DSM diagnostic system; and (3) the invalidity of psychiatry’s chemical imbalance theory of mental illness. …“


I am busier now than I have ever been in my life’

A year on from his Alzheimer's diagnosis, former BBC Radio Northampton journalist Willy Gilder is re-writing the script on how to live with the disease

“I feel a responsibility to talk about the disease. Not just for me but for the people who have got the disease who may no longer be able to talk about it. There is a lady I know in a group I’m part of who used to travel the world as an expert in her particular field. Well she can now barely talk - so I feel I have a bit of responsibility to the likes of her to say whatever we can.”


Alteration of peripheral cortisol and autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analysis [Free PMC article]

Cortisol is the main HPA axis hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex, and influences metabolism, cognition, and behavior. …“

Siehe dazu auch:

Zum Nachdenken – Hypopituitarismus


Psychiatry Textbooks Are Filled with Errors and Propaganda

“…It is therefore very important that the information conveyed in psychiatric textbooks is correct. And that is the problem. There is a huge divide between the official psychiatric narrative and what the science shows. …“

Siehe dazu auch:

Aktuelles – Bitte nicht vergessen



Schizophrenia as a symptom of psychiatry’s reluctance to enter the moral era of medicine

“…The trap psychiatry has set for itself is that it has become the jealous gatekeeper of “true knowledge” where in fact only uncertainty exists. … There is an urgent need for psychiatry to cocreate novel concepts and language, together with patients, families and other stakeholders, starting with the construct of schizophrenia.“

Siehe dazu auch:

Blogbuchgedanken – CVI, Schizophrenie

Aktuelles – Bitte nicht vergessen


Noch ein Nachtrag


New report finds widespread abuse of autistic people

“…we need to re-think how we consider and treat neurodivergent and disabled people.”

Siehe dazu auch:

Blogbuchsplitter-Katatonie („Angst-Stress-Trauma-Mechanismus“)


Glücksunterricht in Indien - "Viel mehr Zusammenhalt und Höflichkeit

“In Neu-Delhis Schulen ist das Unterrichtsfach "Glück" fester Teil des Lehrplans. Disziplinen wie Achtsamkeit, wertschätzende Kommunikation und kritisches Denken führen zu positiven Veränderungen bei den Kindern, beobachtet ein Lehrer. …”

[[ Bitte auch bei uns einführen … ]]


How the Internet Helped Save My Mental Health

“…’Why do I feel so terrible?‘ … I realized that when I first experienced this depression, I also simultaneously was neither getting enough sleep nor eating very well. …“

Siehe dazu auch:

Aktuelles – Imbalances


John Read and Jeffrey Masson – Biological Psychiatry and the Mass Murder of “Schizophrenics”

John Read: “…So things are changing and the task for us all is to accelerate that change. I think it’s useful to remind people of the extremes, and it is an extreme, to which a biological explanation for human distress can take us if we’re not careful. …“ 

Jeffrey Masson: „…I think that any psychiatrist who is willing to listen to the movement of patients who’ve been harmed and really take it in, would have to ask himself or herself, what have we done wrong? Very few have done this. …“

Siehe dazu auch:

Diskussionsseite – Begriffsentstehung



Condensing “Anatomy of an Epidemic” into a High-Level Summary Document

How has the current drug-based paradigm of care failed our society and what kind of change is needed?”


Away From Psychiatrization: Towards Socio-Ecological Wellbeing in the Community

“…they were never the same again. These people had not just swallowed a spider to catch the fly—they had been told to swallow a horse in the form of diagnosis and medication, and it was destroying them. …“


Psychiatry, Fraud, and the Case for a Class-Action Lawsuit

“…It’s a history of one negative finding after another. … Prior to the antidepressant era, depression was understood to be an episodic disorder, …“

Siehe dazu auch:

Aktuelles – Imbalances etc.


Trauma Survivors Speak Out Against Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

“…How is it that a population with high levels of childhood trauma is being treated like witches in 2022 and nobody seems to notice or care? …“


Ending Child Abuse: The Next Spiritual Revolution

“…The spirituality of the future must be a force for awakening the masses to the reality of how children are treated — and the path to correcting this. The sacredness of understanding, respecting, loving and protecting children must in time motivate a worldwide spiritual movement. …“


New Narrative Game Raises Awareness of ACEs & Their Impact on Youth Mental Health

“‘Afraid.’ ‘Disturbed.’ ‘Sad.’ ‘Aware.’ These are some of the emotions that Malik, Dana, and Luisa … want people to feel while playing it. … SEED Designers nested opportunities for players to familiarize themselves with ACEs, supporting young people in understanding their developmental impact and influence on physical and mental health. …


Beverley Thomson–Antidepressed: Antidepressant Harm and Dependence

“…, Beverley’s work provides proof that there is no such thing as a magic pill and that pretending otherwise risks the lives and well-being of those who need help the most. …“

Siehe dazu auch:

Aktuelles – Imbalances


Mad in Ireland – a new affiliate of Mad in America

“…, and now today, with the launch of Mad in Ireland, the number of MIA affiliates has grown to 11. … The one commonality to all the sites is this: We all share a belief that the disease model of care has failed, and we need a new paradigm of care to take its place. … At times it can feel like a David v. Goliath struggle, but each time the Mad network expands, it feels as though David is standing a bit taller.“

Siehe auch:

The Mad in the World Network: A Global Voice for Change


A capabilities approach to understanding and supporting autistic adulthood [PMC article; open]

“…In this Review, we adopt an alternative research strategy: we apply Martha Nussbaum's capabilities approach, which focuses on ten core elements of a thriving human life, to research on autistic adulthood. In doing so, we identify areas where autistic adults thrive and where they often struggle, and highlight issues to which researchers, clinicians and policymakers should respond. …“


Ageing and autism: A longitudinal follow-up study of mental health and quality of life in autistic adults [PMC article; open]

“…Mental health difficulties in autism persisted into older age and did not improve over time. These findings have important implications for mental health provision for autistic adults in older age.“

And (see article):

“… studies on gender differences suggest that masking of autism-related symptoms autistic females may underpin more pronounced mental health difficulties. …”


Is Service-User Research Possible in Mental Health? An Interview with Diana Rose

“…We found that there was a vast discrepancy in reported benefit between mainstream papers and the papers that were produced by user groups. …“


Content Analysis of Abstracts Published in Autism Journals in 2021: The year in Review

Ever since Leo Kanner first described autism in 1943, the research in this field has grown immensely. In 2021 alone, 5837 SCOPUS indexed documents were published with a title that contained the words: "autism", "autistic", or "ASD". The purpose of this study was to examine the most common topics of autism research in 2021 and present a geographical contribution to this research. …“


What Video Games Can Teach Us About Effective Parenting

„…I’m convinced that all children can be Inner Wealth billionaires. That’s why the recognitions I recommend level up. They may seem overly lavish, but I am convinced they inspire on the soul level. …“


Cerebellar Atypicalities in Autism? [Open Access]

„… Despite positive results published in the last decade from relatively small samples, our results suggest that there is no striking difference in cerebellar anatomy of individuals with autism. … Several reasons could explain our negative results.  … In addition, cerebellar atypicalities have been repeatedly reported in other brain disorders, such as schizophrenia, in samples of the same size as this study“


The Neurodiversity Approach(es): What Are They and What Do They Mean for Researchers? [Open]

„This paper presents the concepts of "neurodiversity" and the "neurodiversity approaches" towards disability and discusses how confusion regarding the meaning of these concepts exacerbates debate and conflict surrounding the neurodiversity approaches. …“


Study: Stress During Pregnancy May Have a Negative Impact on Babies’ Emotions

„… if a child has a caring adult that can provide a safe and stable nurturing relationship, many childhood adversities can be modified.”


20 Concrete Steps to Achieving System Change

„…These suggestions are offered without claiming they cover every possible effort to make system changes.  But they are an attempt to give advocates a head start and ideas for steps that otherwise may not have been readily available.  System change is never simple, nor is every system changeable.  …“ [[ But psychiatry should be. ]]


Sensory Phenotypes in Autism: Making a Case for the Inclusion of Sensory Integration Functions [Get access-article]

„…Participants showed substantial deficits in tactile perception, praxis, balance, visual perception, and visual-motor skills. Relationship with autism diagnostic test scores were weak or absent. Findings suggest additional sensory difficulties that are not typically assessed or considered when characterizing sensory features in autism. These data have implications for a greater understanding of the sensory features in the autism phenotype and the development of personalized treatments.“


Neurological and psychiatric disorders among autistic adults: a population healthcare record study [Access]

„Co-occurring psychiatric disorders are common in autism, with previous studies suggesting 54-94% of autistic individuals develop a mental health condition in their lifetime. …“


[2017] Autism and diagnosis: advice for teachers

„…There are many ways of introducing autism to others. Our ‘What is Autism?’* webpage is a great place to start. …“



Responding to childhood trauma

„…For people of all ages, asking about trauma and its effects should be normalised. Trauma-informed, person-centred care should avoid people becoming retraumatised or feeling ignored, disrespected, or more afraid; patients need to feel safe and heard, have their strengths recognised, and be able to choose and control their care.“


Behavioral and Socio-Emotional Disorders in Intellectual Giftedness: A Systematic Review [Open Access]

„… Whether intellectual giftedness is associated with socio-emotional and/or behavioral problems more often than the non-gifted population is still an open question, on which we encourage future studies.“


Opinion/Viewpoint -

It’s time to embrace ‘profound autism’

„…Only by returning to at least two separate diagnoses can we begin to meet the highly diverse needs of both groups.“


Metabolomic Signatures of Autism Spectrum Disorder [Open Access]

“…We used both pathway analysis and metabolomic-metabolomic interactions to examine metabolites. Energy and amino acid pathways were commonly disrupted with many of the amino acids being closely linked to energy production. …“

Siehe dazu auch:

Blogbuchgedanken – Aminosäuresequenzen

Glossar – ATP, Pentosephosphatweg, Redoxsystem, Zellorganellen

Zum Nachdenken – Cholin/Methionin/Glycin/Threonin


When Psychotherapists Are Less Healthy Than Their Clients

„From Daniel Mackler: “Over time I started to formulate an idea of why it is so common — not always true, but so commonly true — that therapy clients are healthier than their therapists …“

[Siehe dazu auch:

Diskussionsseite – Zuschreibungen]


Why Detox Facilities and Psych Wards Are Not the Place to Come Off Psychiatric Drugs

„… and psychiatric drug withdrawal symptoms are misdiagnosed as “relapse” or a new illness when they are seen. … Medical school curricula must contain best practices (as learned from our communities) for safe deprescribing. These paradigm changes are long overdue.“


Is language ability associated with behaviors of concern in autism? A systematic review

„…this review highlights the importance of identifying expressive language difficulties early. If language abilities can be improved through targeted interventions, supports and environmental modification, it may be expected there will be secondary benefits for behavior. This in turn could improve functioning and participation and reduce harm and stress to the individual and their family. …“


Effect of yoga on children with autism spectrum disorder in special schools

Conclusion: The findings of the study show that yoga can have a positive impact on the symptomatology of autism.“


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